Thursday, August 1, 2019

Between A City Life and a Country Life Essay

There are benefits of living a city life and a country life. The country life has better life style because there is less people to deal with. Crime rate is reduce in the country life. You got more things you can do without having people complain. It is peaceful and quiet. The city life advantages is easy way to get to a job. A faster way to get to the supermarket, Restaurant, Movie theater. The disadvantages of city life is that is way to crowded and crime rate is high and too much noise. see more:country living vs city living One of the advantages of the city life it is a moderate city. It has a lot of opportunity for jobs and other places. A good education because it has a lot of schools in the city and you can always know where to find your kid to pick him up. There are more places to shop for groceries in the city. There are more things to do with friends. Another advantages of the city life is lot of places to live in the city. They are more houses for sale and apartments to rent in the city so it will be easy to find a place and more people to help you pay for the rent. More easy access to get money out from ATM machine all over the city. A third advantage is that a lot of places are hiring so it is easy to get a job and when you live in a city you can get to job your faster and you will save gas. The disadvantages of the city life is they are more violence and murder. They are more cops because of the crimes that are committed in the city. Another thing is the pollution in the city because lot of people drive and take the bus and all of the factory and business that release chemicals in the air harming the city. Another disadvantages is the you have to follow house rules and community rules. You have to keep your house and lawn neat all the time. Another disadvantages is that you cant do certain things that you want to do without breaking the rule of the community. The advantages of the country life are that you got a whole land to yourself and you can do anything you want on your property. The crime rate is down and there is less murder. Another advantages for a country life is that you can have bon fire and party without noise complain. You also can do mudding in your house in the country life. Another advantage is for country life that you can have a farm and sell livestock and raise animals without too much people complain. A third advantages is that you can go fishing on your own property and not get into trouble, also you can skin a deer in your own property. The disadvantages of the country life is that you live to far away from the city so you will be wasting more gas to go to stores and other places to get stuff that you need to live. Second you have to deal with the smell of other people animals. Also you may not get cable or internet because some cable company don’t go out to the country side. A third disadvantages is that you have to deal with the hard work that you have to do if you buy any farm. Both life styles have good qualities and bad qualities. I believe that country life is better because the peace and quiet. The country life is a place for people that love to work and love to just have they own land that they can take care. I prefer country life over city life because I like the peace and quiet of the country and not the noisy life style of the city life. The country life style is the better choice for people who like the peace and quiet life style.

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